A book of the denizens of the Underworld. Yeah. Scary stuff.
A map of the 9 circles of Daemar
1st Circle Demon; Gravedigger of the Underworld
1st Circle Demon; Mistress of the Heretics
1st Circle Demon; Captain of the Violent
1st Circle Demon; Mistress of the Betrayers
1st Circle Demon; King of the WItches
1st Circle Demon; Ferryman of the Underworld
1st Circle Demon; The Tomb Keeper
1st Circle Demon; Judge of the Dead
1st Circle Demon; The Gatekeeper
1st Circle Demon; The Keymaster
1st Circle Demon; Captain of the Dead
1st Circle Demon; The Keeper of the Hateful Flame
1st Circle Demon; King of the Vampires
1st Circle Demon; Guardian of the Necropolis
Adon Daemarum
Dante's Inferno
by Franz Liszt
Daemar is the Anarish name for Hell, the realm where Lucifer and his renegade angels were banished after rebeling against Eldar or Heaven. Daemar is divided into nine circles; Death, Time, Beasts, Destruction, Power, Nature, Corruption, Sin, and Hel, each ruled by a Daemonlord and commanding a legion of demons. Before the War of the Goths, some of the demons escaped into Elmar but the Underworld was sealed off again and, since then, the majority of Daemar's children have been awaiting their chance to escape once again.
All art and characters © Anthony Dial
Mlada- Sabbath of the Infernal Spirits
by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov