Recap page for Marvel's Wonderful Wizard of Oz Issue 4

Recap for Marvel's Wonderful Wizard of Oz Issue 6

Back page for Marvel's Marvelous Land of Oz Issue 1. For this one I actually got to do the art as well as the design work.

Recap page for Marvel's X-Men First Class issue 8. For this one, I drew the little boy in addition to doing the design work.

Recap page for Marvel's X-Men First Class issue 13

Recap page for Marvel's Hercules issue 116

Recap page for Marvel's Hercules issue 118. This one was a lot of fun because I got to design trading cards and draw a mountie hat in a Marvel comic book

Title page for Marvel's Fantastic Four: True Story issue one

Some cover designs I did for Marvel. I did not draw any of the covers. I only did design work and made some logos

Some more cover designs I did for Marvel. Again, I did not draw any of the covers. I only did design work and made some logos

I designed the logo for the, then, new character Reptil

I had to design a new logo for this Ms. Marvel one-shot
This is some design work I did for Marvel Comics while I worked there as a digital compositor and graphic designer. Most of the artwork used is from the issues and are not mine, unless otherwise stated, and obviously Marvel owns all of this work.
Design Work
All design work © Anthony Dial. All characters © Marvel Comics